The Law Enforcement Cultural Competency Training for Clinicians is designed for masters and doctoral level licensed mental health clinicians who are interested in providing mental health services (consultation, crisis intervention, evidence-based treatments) to law enforcement officers. The course will address law enforcement culture, the unusual and often strained relationship between the effects of chronic occupational exposure to trauma on the physical and mental health of law enforcement officers, efficacious treatments and the clinician’s role as a mental health professional in policing. Didactic material will be augmented by videos of law enforcement officials discussing various aspects of their job, culture, and challenges, providing real world examples.

The content of this training focuses on understanding the assessment and treatments of psychological disorders as it applies to the unique population of law enforcement. The content is drawn from the peer-reviewed literature on trauma and its aftermath as applied to first responders, in particular, those in law enforcement.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Identify the role and function of law enforcement in the United States.
  • Describe police culture – why everybody loves and hates cops.
  • List the specific physical and mental health effects of police work.
  • Discuss the various modalities by which mental health clinicians can collaborate with law enforcement.
  • Identify efficacious treatments for trauma that have been demonstrated to have efficacy in first responder populations.
Course Dates:

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