UCF RESTORES offers a peer support training program called REACT:
“Recognize. Evaluate. Advocate. Coordinate. Track.”
REACT provides all participants with mastery experiences, designed to give them challenges at which they can succeed, bolstering confidence in their ability to provide effective support to their peers. Course material is presented in a manner that places occupational principles and skills unique to first responders and healthcare workers within the framework of peer support.
Through this program, participants learn how to recognize “stress injuries” and evaluate the mental health of their peers, offer peer-level support and effectively coordinate necessary follow-up in the event professional intervention is warranted.
REACT for First Responders
This course is designed specifically for the first responder community to introduce, improve and strengthen peer support skills among firefighters, EMS personnel, law enforcement officers, and dispatch.
REACT for Healthcare Workers
This course is designed for healthcare workers by a registered nurse who understands the pressure, stress and demand that is placed on our medical personnel.
What will participants learn?
Following completion of the REACT training course, participants will be able to understand and implement principles of peer support as they relate to:
- Recognizing different stress injuries common among first responders and healthcare workers.
- Evaluating the presence of a stress injury in a peer.
- Advocating for appropriate resources to be provided to a peer.
- Coordinating higher levels of care for the peer.
- Tracking a peer’s progress over time.
For more information on UCF RESTORES’ REACT training program, please email the REACT team at REACTPeerSupport@ucf.edu.