UCF RESTORES has setup an online payment option for the TMT and REACT Training Programs. To pay online, click the button below and take the following steps:

  • Customer Details tab:
    • Enter your details.
  • Payment Details tab, then Additional Payment Details:
    • Under UCF Research Foundation, Inc. Invoice #2/Description:
      • For Participant Fees: enter REACT GR104346, Date of Training.
      • For Travel Fees: enter REACT GR104346 Travel, Date of Training.
    • Under Other: enter Participant Name or Agency Name (if paying for travel or multiple participants).
TMT, Cultural Competency & Other Trainings
  • Customer Details tab:
    • Enter your details.
  • Payment Details tab, then Additional Payment Details:
    • Under UCF Research Foundation, Inc. Invoice #2/Description: enter TMT GR109054.
    • Under Other: enter Participant Name/s.
Online Training Payment